
Welcome to the YGSF family!


Please welcome these lovely ladies to Yoga Garden SF family!

They are our newest staff members and we are very excited to have them join our community!

You might see them around the studio or greeting you with a big smile in the lobby. They are here to assist your practice and growth with each visit. Below are little snippets about them, be sure to give them a warm welcome!


Client Services

When Alex is not at the studio, you can find her gardening or baking, and strolling around the farmers market on the weekends. She is an environmentally minded, simple kind of person that is endlessly curious about the world. She is grateful to be part of the Yoga Garden and to have a growing yoga practice.


Client Services

My name is Hannah Darling and I am UC Berkeley Graduate with a degree in Biology who wants to eventually be a Nurse Practitioner. I have been doing yoga since I was thirteen and am excited to be part of the community at Yoga Garden. I love being outdoors and swimming, hiking, climbing, surfing (to various degrees of capability). I also enjoy reading, music, movies, and spending time with friends exploring our amazing city and its surroundings. I believe life is about learning and exploring and building connections.



Advanced Studies Administrator

Eileen Marie is a writer from the hidden village of Corrales, New Mexico. Her early days of training in ballet, tennis and soccer were transformed in 2007 into a flourishing yoga practice. As the Advanced Studies Administrator at Yoga Garden, she helps share the joy of deep practice with old and new students alike, empowering them to teach and grow in their communities. Eileen is a songwriter and freelance journalist passionate about changing the world through the power of true stories. She loves parks, picnics and pugs – preferably all at the same time.



Client Services

 Yoga found Kathryn in college and she has incorporated it into her life ever since. In 2014 she deepened her practice and completed a 300 hour YTT in upstate New York. After moving to the neighborhood, she fell in love with the Yoga Garden community through the work study program. On her days off you can find her baking pies and backpacking!