
Extended : Core Module 1 : Vayus, Doshas and Gunas

with Karen Macklin

In this course, you will examine yourself from a physical, mental, and energetic perspective, and learn the upaya (effective means) to move toward higher levels of health and conscious awareness.

 At its heart, yoga is a process of transformation. But for transformation to occur, we need to develop a deep understanding of who we are on every level, and which tools and practices are the correct ones to help us evolve and move toward self-realization. Through the practices of asana, pranayama, seated meditation, and svadyaya (self-examination), you’ll learn how to sense and direct the flow of prana (life force); better understand and work with your Ayurvedic constitution; change your mind state by shifting energy in your body; and relay this ancient wisdom to your own students. You will also deepen your understanding of the Gunas and Doshas and their role in asana energetics, providing you with tools to realize your full potential as a yoga practitioner and teacher.

In this course, you will gain understanding of:

  • The ancient practice of svadyaya (self-study) on physical, mental, and energetic levels as a direct path toward self-realization
  • The importance of upaya (choosing effective means and methods) in yoga as a way of moving toward higher levels of health and conscious awareness
  • The connection between awareness and transformation, as it pertains to energy, diet, thought, and habitual patterns


August 2 – 22, 2015

  • Sat & Sun:  12:30 pm – 5:30 pm
  • Tues & Fri:  6:30– 9:30pm

Required Reading:

  • Yoga and Ayurveda by David Frawley


  *You must fill out an application and be accepted for enrollment to register. Graduates of YGSF 200-Hour Teacher Training Program are automatically accepted.

For more about Core Module 1 CLICK HERE. For more about our 300 Hour Teacher Training CLICK HERE.



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Tuition is $975, or $825 when you enroll with your $250 deposit on or before 7/1.
Save even more when you purchase the YGSF Core Curriculum Package!


Completion of this 50 hr module will apply to the 300 hours required by Yoga Alliance for your 300 Hr certification; 50 CEUs.



About Karen Macklin:

 Karen Macklin (RYT-500) has been studying yoga and meditation since 2000 and has received training in the yoga traditions of Ashtanga, Iyengar, Shadow Yoga, AcroYoga, Therapeutic, and Restorative, as well as in various forms of Buddhist meditation, yogic philosophy, and the science of Ayurveda. She has studied with many wonderful teachers, and has been most influenced by Scott Blossom, Sean Feit, Chisandra Fox, Gary Kraftsow, and Jason Crandell.

She teaches with an emphasis on building internal and external strength, creating mindfulness, and establishing a deep connection with the energetic body. Her classes are typically strong but slow, rhythmic flows that incorporate hands-on adjustments, verbal alignment cues, and an opportunity for students to enter a space of meditation and inquiry. Karen has also written about yoga for Yoga Journal, Yoga International, FitYoga, Tricycle, San Francisco Weekly, and the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Visit  Karen here.