
Featured Teacher: Karen Macklin

Meet Karen! Karen is a yogi, a published author and photographer. We’re honored to have the opportunity to dig a little deeper into her thoughts, words, and practice. 1) Tell us about yourself! What was your first job? Any fun hobbies or personal interests? I was born and raised in Brooklyn (before it was cool), and didn’t even get on a plane until I was 18. Since then, I’ve traveled and lived in more than 30 countries. I’m into culture of all kinds: literature, art, theater, and dance. In addition to being a yoga teacher, I’m also a journalist, playwright, and poet. I’m also quite fond of kayaking, moonlight, wit, and a certain furry creature named Pepe. hand-to-hand-Dolores_4701 2) How did you become interested in becoming a Yoga Teacher? I’ve always been into both philosophy and fitness and yoga; it was easy to love yoga the first time I did it because it was such a delightful combination of the two. I started yoga in my early twenties when I was dealing with a chronic pain condition, and the practice helped me find my way to health. After many years of practice, I made a commitment to teach. I also practice and teach meditation in both the yoga and Buddhist lineages. 3) What are your classes like? My Vinyasa classes are typically strong but slow, rhythmic flows that both challenge students and offer them an opportunity to enter a space of meditation and inquiry. My Candlelight Flow class is less challenging physically, but just as mindful. My classes focus on developing both internal and external strength and fluidity, as well as grace, and are aimed at developing mindfulness and attention in the name of moving toward vidya (clear seeing). _MG_8080 copy 4) What do you feel makes a really good Yoga Class? A good yoga class leaves the student feeling balanced, peaceful, and clear in body and mind. A great yoga class offers the student deeper insight into the human condition, and tools to become more free in daily life. 5) What is your favorite Yoga pose and why? A true yogini would say that her favorite pose is the one she is doing right now. So, let’s go with that ;-). We hope Karen’s contagious creativity and perspectives on yoga inspires you as much as it does us! Check out Karen’s classes at Yoga Garden and read more about Karen on her blog!

See Karen’s Schedule